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With us in Tautendorf


Our zoo is a small view over the Baltic Sea, more precisely a view of Sweden. We spent many years there and got to know and study the people, culture and history of Sweden. In this country, the 4th largest in Europe, we got to know incredibly friendly and lovely people. The Sami people in particular have inspired us. The last indigenous folk of Europe showed us how gently man and nature can treat each other. Here in the "nowhere" of Central Saxony we try to convey a small part of the calm, the gentleness and the loving interaction with each other.





For this reason, our zoo will remain as it is. Manageable, an oasis of peace and togetherness and hospitality to all people. Our foster children and guests we look after will also 

received by us according to these principles.

To protect the animals and nature, there are only a limited number of visitors to our zoo every day

can handle.

Should the weather not play along with us, we reserve the right to close the zoo for that day.

You can find more information about this here  here .

The products we offer are also designed for sustainability. We buy many of the things we need every day used and regionally. If possible.

We drive most of our daily routes electrically and of course with CO²-neutral electricity.

Our forest, which we have completely returned to nature, produces, in addition to the oxygen required by our residents, the annual requirement of oxygen for about 100 people.

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